Heutzutage ist es für junge Bands alles andere als einfach, sich im endlosen Musikdschungel zu etablieren. Viele scheitern beim Versuch, ihre musikalischen Ambitionen und ihr Privatleben unter einen Hut zu bringen. Autonomics aus Portland (Oregon) haben nun alle ihre Energie- und Finanzreserven mobilisiert, neben ihrer Arbeit mit der Musik noch in Vollzeitjobs gearbeitet und sich ein fantastisch produziertes Studioalbum und eine grosse Tournee geleistet. Die Mühen haben sich auch wirklich gelohnt: Was dabei herausgekommen ist, lässt keine Zweifel offen, dass in dieser Band verdammt viel Potenzial steckt.
Ihre Musik lässt sich am besten als energiegeladenen Garage-Indiepop beschreiben, in den sie spielerisch Einflüsse aus 90’s-Rock und Punkrock mischen. Ihre Songs reichen von gemütlich dahinplätschernden synthie-begleiteten Up-Tempo-Popnummern bis hin zu explosiven Punk-Hymnen zum Mitgröhlen.
Autonomics ist ein Trio, bestehend aus den beiden Zwillingsbrüdern, Vaughn and Evan Leikam, sowie Dan Pantenburg, der, nach Angaben der Band, quasi der dritte Bruder im Bunde ist. Im März 2017 erscheint das besagte Album „Debt Sounds“, welches in humoristischer Weise auf die erbrachten finanziellen Mühen hinweisen soll und eine Anspielung auf „Pet Sounds“ der Beach Boys ist. In der Pipeline steht nun vorerst eine ausgedehnte Tournee in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, bevor’s dann für eine weitere Tour zurück in die Heimat geht. In der Schweiz kann man die Autonomics in Kürze in folgenden Locations live sehen:
29.03. – Vario Bar, Olten Tickets
30.03. – Schüür, Luzern Tickets
31.03. – Gaskessel, Bern Tickets
15.04. – Nordportal, Baden Tickets
Die Band hat sich für ein Interview zur Verfügung gestellt, welches ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:
Interview mit: Autonomics (USA)
You’ve been to Europe before. What is your weirdest memory about meeting European people and/or audience?
Touring Europe is a surreal experience in general for us. We played a show in an old castle in Weimar Germany and after stayed in a hostel that had a basement party going. Some of the people down there were pretty strange. The whole club looked like it had been taken over by vampires.
You started with concerts at people’s houses and in little clubs. What was the strangest place you’ve ever played a show?
Chico, California. The venue was cool and there was a secret room with a mermaid mosaic and a stripper pole. The owner was a 50 year old woman that gave us a private burlesque show. Played there a few times during tours and stayed in a crack house one night with some drug dealers that took us home after we played a sublime cover.
Do you guys remember the first record you bought? What was it?
Vaughn: Crash by Dave Matthews
Evan: Astro Lounge by Smash Mouth
Dan: The Matrix Reloaded Soundtrack
Which bands influenced you in your youth the most? Do you still like these bands?
Blink 182, weezer, rush, Pearl Jam. Yeah we still like all of these bands.
The album title and the cover of your new record “Debt Sounds” is a hint to the album “Pet
Sounds” from the Beach Boys – why? What is your connection to this Band or to “Pet
It’s a play on words as a reference to being in debt and the cost of making such a heavy sounding record. We don’t draw a lot of influence from the sound but like the story of The Beach Boys a lot.
If you could choose: which famous band that doesn’t exist anymore would you like to book
as support group for your next tour?
A Question for the twins: on one of your press photos you try to look similar (black shirt, sun
glasses, hair cut). Was it clear from the beginning, that Evan plays the drums and Vaughn the
bass or have you two been fighting about that for a long time when you were younger?
Vaughn always gravitated towards bass. Evan played guitar growing up and started playing drums out of necessity because nobody else could.
To each one of you: Mention 3 essential objects that you really need to have on tour with
Vaughn: game boy, eyeglass repair kit, really dark sunglasses
Evan: 1000 page fantasy book, hard drive filled with movies, really dark sunglasses
Dan: headphones, pen and paper, really dark sunglasses
The most annoying thing on the road with the tourbus is….?
If you could spend an evening with a dead musician: Who would it be?
Amy winehouse
Do you already have plans for the next year after your tour?
Album release in the US with a tour in the states.
Thank you very much, guys. I wish you all the best for your forthcoming tour!
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